Digital Report

Fast and secure solution to digitally sign, share and send reports over the internet.

How does it work?

The Digital Report, in the definition of the QualiSign portal, is the entire document that has only one part, that is, a person or representatives of an organization sign.

The Digital Report can be one: opinion, report, expert report, medical report, laboratory report, certificate, statement, agreement, declaration etc.

Once the report is created on your computer, upload it to the QualiSign Portal. . Define the parties that should sign the document and which people should sign it, that is, define the document's workflow. Once this is done, the QualiSign Portal will submit an invitation to the signatories until completing the defined subscriptions. Define how many people you wish to include in the workflow and in what order they should sign and let the QualiSign Portal take care of the rest.


All or some selected documents can be signed in just 1 click.

You can provide a protocol to third parties so that they can access the Digital Report and prove digital or electronic signatures. With the protocol, a third party can access the document to validate the signatures through barcode, QR Code, Link or Passcode.

It allows you to establish in your workflow the figure of an approver to check and validate the document before collecting signatures.

Availability to query with filters, monitoring, recovery and history of actions for control and tracking purposes.

Digital Report

It applies to the entire document that needs to be digitally signed by only one part.

Or over the phone:

+55 (11) 5906-7200


Any type of document can be signed digitally or electronically. So, just create a report and upload it to the QualiSign Portal.

The QualiSign Portal does not restrict the use of the Digital Report. It can be used by both individuals and companies.

Clinical Report, Technical Report, Expert Report, Certificate, Statement, Diplomas, Policies, Letters of Guarantee, Agreement, Report, Declaration and others.


How much time is spent in the process of formalizing these reports? Consider the time taken to collect the signatures of experts and managers, time to prepare and submit documentation to recipients, time to store and retrieve documents, when requested.

With the QualiSign Portal, , the management of your reports improves significantly. You and your clients are able to locate and access them more quickly and securely, thus avoiding losses in the shipment. All operations are recorded in order to provide full traceability to the document. Where is the document? Who needs to sign it? Who has already signed it? QualiSign has the answer.

With the QualiSign Portal, , the costs to send documents (Courier, Post-Office and others), printing paper (toner and ink), physical storage (files, safes, warehouse), document management (control, validity, tracking, location and recovery) and signature authentication are simply eliminated.

More speed, modernity and security in your company's daily routine.

Higher productivity with reduced costs?

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